About Soul Sobriety

“ No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself. ”

- Madonna -

Cindy Johnston founder of Soul Sobriety Coaching and Retreats

Meet Cindy Johnston

your Soul Sobriety Coach

Once I was just like you - stuck in the cycle of Grey Area Drinking. I was addicted to the feeling drinking gave me, and to the social aspect of alcohol. It crept into my life silently until one day I realised something had to change.

In July 2018 I stopped drinking alcohol and discovered the joy of being sober.

Now, I’m a certified Grey Area Drinking Coach and Accredited, Certified EFT Practitioner (EFT International).

Through my Grey Area Drinking Coaching, I’m an advocate for women’s health and wellness and provide women’s empowerment coaching with a difference.

My soul purpose and passion are helping empower women to create fulfilling and abundant lives without the need for wine.

Through personal sobriety coaching and group wellness retreats, I teach women how to make positive changes and develop long-term habits for wellness and better health.

As a holistic practitioner, I embrace spirituality, am attuned to Reiki 2, and love everything ‘woo-woo’ and mystical.

I use practical resources incorporating Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Matrix Therapies, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Conscious Hypnosis as effective tools to dispel limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

We rebalance your nervous system through a somatic and embodied approach.

Your whole well-being is my priority as we work together to clear your energy on a physical and emotional level during our coaching time together.

Your experience with me is caring, compassionate, non-judgmental, and soul-ution focussed on supporting you on your journey to sobriety.



  • Dip. Life Coaching

  • Jolene Park GAD Master Coach

  • Accredited, Certified EFT Practitioner (EFT International)

  • Reiki Level 2

  • Conscious Hypnosis, NLP Practitioner

Let’s work together.

Your sobriety, better health, and freedom are waiting!

“Life is too short to let the booze hold you back from living your best life!”

- Cindy Johnston | Founder, Soul Sobriety Coaching and Retreats

Sobriety Coaching

Customised, confidential support to help you reclaim your life!

Learn how to control your cravings for alcohol, reduce your anxiety, and manage stress.

Specialist Grey Area Drinking (GAD) Coaching to help you transform your life with positive changes for better health and wellness using a holistic approach.

The caring, personal, and professional help you need to quit drinking.

Wellness Retreats

Connection - Relaxation - Nature

To nourish your body and soul

Are you tired of how you feel? Do you want to experience more from life and feel great?

Our sobriety retreats will refresh your soul, clear your mind, and open the pathway to better living.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

Free yourself from the emotional trauma, pain and negative mindset that’s holding you captive!

In your EFT sessions with me, I can help you address and release the emotional contributing factors that led you to develop your drinking problem. As a result, it can help make it easier to maintain your sobriety as you will have the tools required to successfully navigate a life in a society where alcohol is ever-present.

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