Breaking Free: Overcoming the Challenges of Grey Area Drinking with the power of EFT


Embrace a holistic approach to addressing grey area drinking with EFT techniques and bring wellness and balance to your life.

What is this magical thing called ‘EFT’?

I used to be a 'grey area' drinker, and I wonder if you can relate to that too?

It's that kind of drinking where you're not at rock bottom, but you find yourself reaching for a drink to cope with anxiety, stress, loneliness, or boredom.

I used to believe that by the end of a busy day, around 5 o'clock or 'Wine-O'clock,' I deserved a few drinks to unwind and relax. After all, I had been juggling work, kids, and all the never-ending tasks of running a household.

Wine felt like my well-deserved reward!

Now, I never considered myself an alcoholic (I even Googled it just to be sure), but little did I know that I had developed an alcohol use disorder (AUD).

Wine had slowly started to control my thoughts and actions.

Over the years, I began to realize that I was losing control over my nightly glass of wine. It had escalated to a whole bottle and more!

I found myself eagerly anticipating that moment and counting down the hours until it was socially acceptable to start drinking.

Thoughts about wine would constantly occupy my mind during the day, wondering if I had enough at home or if I should stop by the store "just in case."

When the grocery store started selling alcohol, it became even easier to slip a couple of bottles into the shopping cart without drawing attention to the increasing amount of money spent on wine. Needless to say, my grocery bills skyrocketed!

Despite waking up with good intentions and promising myself to take a break from drinking or to moderate my consumption, I struggled to stick to any rules I set for myself. I told myself I wouldn’t drink from Monday to Thursday, or only on the weekends, or that I would “moderate” and buy just 2 bottles to last me the week. Then I thought alternating days or adding soda water to dilute the wine was good.

But… "Wine O'clock" would roll around, and I would find myself back in the habit of having an evening drink (or six!). I always promised to start tomorrow or maybe next Monday, just like with a diet.

This constant battle, known as "cognitive dissonance," became so exhausting. It only added to my stress, anxiety, and the numerous health issues I faced.

I had:

• Poor quality sleep

• Weight gain

• Puffy eyes

• High blood pressure

• Depression

• Anxiety

• Lack of focus and energy

• Body aches, and joint inflammation

These were just some of the visible signs of the negative impact alcohol had on my health. It also put my liver and other vital organs at risk, increasing the chances of developing various diseases and even 8 types of cancer, including breast cancer.

I often questioned myself…

“What is wrong with me?”


“Why can’t I drink ‘normally’ like everyone else?”

It made me feel so low and like a failure, which only worsened my depression.

However, I kept putting on a happy face for the world, even though deep down, I felt trapped.

Little did I realize that it wasn't me who was flawed or to blame!

It was the toxic, addictive drug that I had been self-medicating with for years!

The physiological effects of alcohol kept me caught in an endless loop, as my body was in a constant state of withdrawal.

But how could I “do life” without my dear friend, wine?

This is what it's like to be a grey-area drinker. Can you relate?

Let me share with you how I learned to take back control of my life.

Recognizing that I wasn't to blame or a failure helped me start the journey of unlearning the conditioning that led me to depend on alcohol in the first place. I began to prioritize my well-being and listen to my body instead of relying on alcohol to fix everything.

Discovering the power of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

One valuable tool in my journey was Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also called Tapping.

I wish I had discovered it earlier while I was trying to break my daily wine habit. EFT is a form of Energy Psychology rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It involves tapping on specific points on your body's meridians while focusing on specific emotions. The best part is that it's painless and portable—like acupuncture without the needles!

If I had learned about EFT early in my journey of discovery, it would have saved me so much angst and given me the tools I needed to deal with the stressors and cravings that kept me trapped in the drinking cycle.

How can EFT help you?

Well, it has incredible benefits! I’m constantly amazed at how simple yet powerful it is!

It helps to:

• Reduce emotional and negative thoughts and feelings

• Eases stress and anxiety

• Calms your central nervous system

• Enables you to think more clearly and make better decisions, and

• It's a powerful self-help tool that you can use anytime, anywhere.

What can EFT be used for?

EFT can be used for various challenges you may face, such as:

• Managing stress and anxiety

• Dealing with cravings

• Addressing addictive behaviours

• Overcoming limiting beliefs

• Alleviating physical pain, and

• Even working through trauma and traumatic memories (although it's important to work with a qualified practitioner for that).


As a specialist Grey Area Drinking Coach and Accredited, Certified EFT Practitioner, I'm not only qualified but am deeply passionate about helping women in mid-life understand how alcohol impacts their bodies and minds. I guide them in repairing their nervous systems, uncovering conditioning and limiting beliefs that keep them stuck, and creating positive changes for their health and overall well-being - without relying on wine (or any alcohol).


Remember, your story is unique, just like you.

That's why my boutique-style coaching is designed specifically for you.

I tailor your coaching to your needs and goals.

Let me support you in clearing the negative emotions that keep you stuck and empower you to create the change you desire.

If you're ready to leave the grey area behind and embrace a life full of vibrant colours, I invite you to reach out to me for a free, no-obligation discovery call. It's an opportunity for us to connect, discuss your situation, and explore how my coaching and the power of EFT can help you on your journey.

You don't have to do this alone. Together, we can unlock your potential for a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Let's take that first step towards your transformation. I'm here for you.

Soberlicious! And… loving it!

Cindy 😊


Mulled wine is an incredibly easy drink to make — it's also a cosy way to mark the change of season as the winter months approach and the evenings get chillier.

The key to making a great mulled wine is giving the spices enough time to properly infuse.

Although you can drink it as soon as it's warm (which will still taste great) the longer it mulls, the better the result will be.

Using this base recipe, you can customise it with whatever wine, spices and citrus you like.

The flavours to use are:

  • cinnamon

  • cloves

  • star anise

  • nutmeg

  • cardamom

  • orange

  • ALTINA Sansgria or other non-alcoholic red wine 

But you might like to add:

  • ginger

  • vanilla

  • lemongrass

  • teas

  • other kinds of citrus

  • berries

  • chilli or

  • basically any other flavours that give you a warm fuzzy feeling

Mulled wine in glasses on a silver tray

TIP!  Strawberry Mulled Wine kits are now available online from

Altina Mulled Wine Spice Add On – Altina Drinks



EFT techniques to move you from stressed to relaxed

Experience the power of tapping (EFT) for yourself and learn a new skill for self-care!

Book a “Taster Package” for just $197* (normally $497) and receive a Discovery Call + 3 powerful sessions of EFT to work on any issue causing concern in your life.

Simply book a free chat to arrange your sessions.

*These offers are for May and June 2023 only


Save the Date!



Mark your calendars for Sunday 23 July 2023, (12 - 4pm)

It will be an afternoon you won't want to miss!

Grab your friends and grab your seat at the Long Table Lunch for a delicious winter warming 3-course shared rustic menu and savour the flavours of delicious, thoughtfully paired alcohol-free wines.

Share in the laughter and friendly competition of outdoor games like giant Finska and Bocce on the manicured lawns of the stunning homestead venue of Willow Farm, Berry, just 2 hours south of Sydney.

Chance your luck and be in the draw to win some amazing raffle prizes and auction items.

Be part of something special by attending the 2023 Dry July Long Table Lunch in support of LOOK GOOD FEEL BETTER (LGFB), a not-for-profit charity dedicated to helping those on their cancer journey.

Your contribution will make a significant impact on the lives of those in need by funding valuable workshops to help them face their cancer with confidence.

Secure your tickets now and be part of this fabulous experience for a worthy cause.


If you can't attend in person but would still like to make a donation, please go to my fundraising page:

Together we can make a difference.


I hope you’ve been inspired to try, or get curious about EFT, and also feel moved to join in the fun at the Long Table Lunch.

It’s time to start practising self-care and taking some time out for you.

If you need help on your journey to self-care in sobriety, I’d love to chat. Simply book a free call via the button below.

Cindy x


Defy Expectations! How to Embrace Your Alcohol-Free Lifestyle


Staying Sober Isn’t a Punishment - It’s a Gift