Holiday Stress Relief: How EFT Tapping Can Save Your Sanity

Lady in green dress and hat relaxing at beach during holidays

Cheers to Stress-Free Holidays: Tap into Peace and Calm

How EFT Tapping (not Booze) Can Save Your Christmas Sanity! 🎄

Ah, the holidays - a time of joy, celebration, and ... stress?

 For many of us, the festive season comes bundled with a hefty dose of anxiety and overwhelm.  Amidst the hustle and bustle of shopping, cooking, and social gatherings, the resulting stress can sneak into our lives faster than Santa sliding down the chimney!   

However, I have a secret weapon against the holiday madness … Yep, you guessed it, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or Tapping.

Before we get into how EFT can help you manage stress at this hectic time, let’s address the big red-nosed reindeer in the room: alcohol.

It’s everywhere, especially during the holidays, right?  But truth be told that extra glass or bottle of holiday cheer might not be doing any favours when it comes to managing stress. 

So, let’s ditch the wine for a moment and talk about tapping.

Enter EFT/Tapping: The Stress-Busting Elf

EFT is a powerful yet simple technique that combines acupressure and psychological principles by tapping on specific meridians in the body while focusing on negative emotions, thoughts or experiences. This practice helps to release emotional blockages, reduce stress, and restore balance in your nervous system. 

It’s like having mental mistletoe for peace of mind!

How Tapping Turns “Oh No” into “Ho Ho Ho”

  1. Instant Stress Relief: Tapping can offer immediate relief from stress and overwhelm.  Whether you’re stuck in holiday traffic, feeling the pressure of last-minute preparations, or attending a boozy social gathering, a few rounds of tapping can help calm the nerves and assist in making better choices.

  2. Emotional Balance: The holidays can stir up a lot of emotions.  EFT allows you to acknowledge and address these feelings, helping you find emotional equilibrium amidst the festive chaos.

  3. Improved Resilience:  By reducing stress and anxiety, EFT enhances your resilience, allowing you to navigate challenging situations more effectively.

  4. Enhanced Presence:  Tapping promotes mindfulness by bringing your focus to the present moment, enabling you to savour and enjoy the holiday experiences fully.

  5. Alcohol-Free Stress Relief:  You don’t need spiked eggnog or other boozy concoctions to feel better or relax. Tapping is a natural stress-buster without the hangover!


Tapping into Holiday Peace:  A How-To Guide

  1. Identify Stressors: Pinpoint the holiday stressors that make you feel like you’re getting tangled in tinsel.

  2. Tapping Points: Get acquainted with the tapping points on the face and body. (These can be found in my free download, “Beginner’s Guide to EFT

  3. Tapping Technique:  Decide what the emotion is that you are feeling and rate the         intensity between 0 - 10 (0 being none and 10 being the highest intensity). Tap the side of your hand gently while stating your stressor and how it makes you feel. 

    For instance, “Even though I feel overwhelmed by the holiday rush, I deeply and completely accept myself.” Repeat this 3 x times.  

  4. Reminder Phrase:  Tap on the other points starting at the top of the head, stating the emotion “Overwhelmed” and repeat the tapping on each point on the body whilst stating the same emotion.

 Notice any shifts in your feelings or sensations and tap until the intensity is down to a 1 or 0 intensity.  More than 1 round may be required.  Breathe deeply to release any stored energy.


Toast to a Stress-Free Festive Season

This festive season, why not try something different. Instead of drowning in stress and reaching for another glass of “liquid courage” or any other unhelpful behaviour, why not give tapping a go? It’s like a mini mental massage that actually works - no alcohol required.

The holiday season is about joy, love, and connection. By tapping away the stress, you’re making room for more of these magical moments.

Wishing you a stress-free and joy-filled holiday season.

Cheers!  Remember to keep the ritual; change the ingredients!

Happy Christmas, and best wishes for 2024! 🎄 🎁🎅

Cindy x


New! In-Person Services!

I am excited to have joined the team at the I Am Mind, Body, Soul Wellness Hub in Gerringong NSW as an Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Practitioner and Grey Area Drinking (sobriety) Coach.

You can book in-person or online sessions with me HERE


How EFT Can Help You...

As a Grey Area Drinking coach incorporating Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT or Tapping), I can help free you from what has been holding you emotionally captive.

I can help you address and release the emotional contributing factors that led to your unhealthy relationship with alcohol or other self-sabotaging behaviours.

Releasing these negative emotions can help make it easier to maintain your sobriety or reach other health goals, as you will have the tools required to successfully navigate the stressors of day-to-day life and challenging thoughts.

Book an EFT “TASTER” BUNDLE of 4 sessions and break free of limiting beliefs and what’s holding you back from living your best life.





I’ve had the opportunity to share my story and connect with the community on podcasts and interviews. It’s been amazing!

 You can listen here… 

(click the buttons to watch on YouTube!)



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Try some amazing non-alcoholic drinks and enjoy a 10% discount with our friends at High Vibes Drinks


If you, or someone you care about, would like to explore living alcohol-free, or learn more about EFT book a free call with me. I’d love to chat!

Cindy x


Fresh Start to Wellness in 2024!


Is Living An Alcohol-Free Life Boring?